Well, today was the big day! Viability scan #2! I am 7 weeks, 5 days. Baby measured 7 weeks, 1 day with a heartbeat of 159! One thing my husband and I both noticed right away was how much bigger the gestational sac is this time. Compared to my first pregnancy, it's a world of difference. The sac in my first was small and somewhat irregular. I remember seeing other people's ultrasounds and being worried about how little space it looked like the baby had, but they didn't say anything about it during the scan, so I figured it was okay. I should have trusted my gut, I guess. This time, the sac is nice and round and baby has lots of room to grow. Hoping this is a good sign. Definitely makes me feel more at ease, though. They did spot a small SCH, which could explain my spotting. They didn't seem concerned about that, thankfully. My next appointment is in 2 weeks and it will be my first visit with the doctor.
As far as working out, I haven't been. I've been so scared. Although, I did do a 20 minute prenatal yoga session yesterday though. Didn't think I'd like it, but I'd probably do it again. For everyone else that CAN workout,, here's my workout of the day:
5 rounds:
15 kb swings (35 lb)
15 butlers
15 butterfly sit ups
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