Sunday, May 28, 2017

10 rep max testing

As I said yesterday, today was a 10 rep max testing day.  Basically, I tested out weights for a bunch of different movements to see how much weight I could do 10 times (no more, no less) with good form.  Since I have 3 days worth of movements to get through (8 movements per day), I decided to split testing up into 2 days so that I don't overdo anything.  Also, I want my numbers to accurately reflect my capabilities and I was afraid I'd be too tired towards the end to give my best effort.  Additionally, I chose to just "guess" at some of the movements because I kind of know where I'm at already, based on the past cycles I've completed.

This is actually the first time I've tested my 10 rep maxes for these templates.  The first time I did this program (it's a 19 week program) was in October and I had just been cleared to start working out after my neck surgery.  I just wanted to get my body back into lifting and didn't want to go crazy, so I just went super light on all the weights.  Then, when I started my second round of the program, I was still pregnant, so I didn't max out then either.  Needless to say, I was actually pretty excited to see where I'm at currently!

So, here's what I did today and what my 10 rep maxes were.  Obviously, I worked up to these numbers, so I did a lot of reps today!

Sumo deadlift- 135 lbs
Leg press- 190 lbs
Standing DB shoulder press- 22.5 lb DBs
Parallel grip pulldowns- 80 lbs
DB upright row- 25 lb DBs
V-up- 25 lbs
Medium grip bench press- 65 lbs
Barbell bent row- 85 lbs
Lying leg curl- 60 lbs

Not bad, overall.  Pretty happy with my progress, considering I'm coming up on my 1 year neck surgery anniversary in 2 weeks!  I have another 10-ish movements to test tomorrow.  Hopefully I'm not too sore, haha!

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