Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Oh, hey

Obviously, I've been a little MIA.  I haven't been doing any workouts.  My spotting has been pretty consistent over the past few days, except for today.  Just as before, it only happens when I go to the bathroom and it is very light pink/brownish.  This is, according to Dr. Google, considered somewhat "normal," but it's still incredibly scary when you lost your last pregnancy.  I've been walking around my lake in place of any workouts and will probably continue to do so until my appointment next Tuesday, at least.

Obviously, I'm a little upset because I really wanted to be able continue on with what I was doing before, but it's really just not worth the "what-ifs" if something does go wrong.  I know I would beat myself up for doing too much and not listening to my body.  Hopefully, everything is okay and I can start doing more stuff again during the second trimester.

Anyway, here's my workout idea for today:

5 rounds-

5 burpees
10 box jumps or alternating step ups <--- use a coffee table or your couch if you don't have a box to jump on!
15 hand release push ups
20 air squats
25 lunges (per leg)

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