Another "deload" day.. BLAH! I upped the weights a little bit to keep myself interested. I also added a little extra WOD at the end so that the day didn't feel like a complete waste.
By the way, if you ever look at any of the movements I list and are like, "whaaaaaat?!" remember- Google is your friend! You can quickly learn how to do all of these movements SAFELY and PROPERLY by watching the millions of videos posted. NOTE: obviously, pick one from a credible source. If you want to check that you're doing it right, take a video of yourself doing the movement and check your form! Just because it's something that you never did before doesn't mean you can't learn how to do it! Try them out!
Warm up:
500 m row (easy pace)
10 m inch worm forward (with 10 sec plank hold)
10 m inch worm backward (with 10 sec plank hold)
Pull ups 2x5
Barbell bent over row 2x10 (45 lbs)
Dumbbell upright row 2x5 (25 lb DBs)
Barbell curl 2x5 (35 lbs)
Seated dumbbell shoulder press 2x5 (25 lb DBs)
Back squat 2x7 (95 lbs)
Lying leg curl 2x5 (50 lbs)
V-up 2x5 (14 lb ball)
Extra credit:
10 push up, 1 air squat
9 push up, 2 air squat
8 push up, 3 air squat
7 push up, 4 air squat
6 push up, 5 air squat
5 push up, 6 air squat
4 push up, 7 air squat
3 push up, 8 air squat
2 push up, 9 air squat
1 push up, 10 air squat
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