Tuesday, March 14, 2017

6 weeks, 4 days

Today, we got hit with a blizzard.  Pro: no work!!!!  WOO!!  Con: my gym is closed and we're housebound.  So, today's workout is a home WOD!  The only equipment that I have at my house is my husband's stationary bike and some kettlebells.  Eventually, especially once the baby comes, I'd like to get a few more things so that I have more options.  For now, I'll make do with what I have...

Circuit 1:

3 rounds-

20 one arm kettlebell row (10 per arm- see movement here)
20 one arm kettlebell swings (10 per arm- see movement here)
10 goblet thrusters (see movement here)

I used a 35 lb kettlebell.  I rested as needed in between movements (dependent on my heart rate, anywhere from 0-20 sec), but finished each movement without splitting up reps.  Use a weight that allows you to do the same.


Circuit 2:

2 rounds-

30 jumping jacks
45 second wall sit
30 mountain climbers (15 each leg)
20 jump squats
12 push ups
20 lunges (10 per leg)
1 minute plank
20 crunches

Again, my goal was to do each movement without a break and only rest as needed between movements.  It's amazing how out of breath you can get cooking up a human!

Enjoy!! :)

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