Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A little background...

As a preface, I have been working out/lifting/CrossFitting since 2012.  It has become a huge part of my life and is not something that I was willing to give up just because I was about to become a mom.  In my mind, fit moms = happy, healthy babies.  You may disagree, and that's fine, but keep your negative comments to yourself. :)


Since I found out I was pregnant, I have been searching for information on what's safe as far as working out and what's not.  Let me tell you, it is HARD to find any information.  Most doctors will tell you that you can continue doing whatever you were doing before you got pregnant, with some slight modification as the pregnancy progresses.  Okay, but they're not really specific about lifting.  Can I continue back squatting heavy?  Should I be at, like, 50% of my max?  80%?  Take it day-by-day?  WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN, BASIL?  (Austin Powers reference?  No?  Sorry.)  

Most of the information that I did find was very outdated and did not seem to apply to me.  Lift no more than 25 lbs?!?!?!  Is this real life?  Who can go 40 weeks without lifting more than 25 lbs?  Don't let your heart rate go over 140 bpm??  I'm pretty sure that's easier said than done.  That would basically mean most of my workouts are out.  Okay, let's trying searching something else.. *types "CrossFit pregnant" into Google*....

BOOM!  Tons of images and articles of moms lifting heavy and looking SUPER pregnant.  However, most of these also have tons of "Google Doctors" also explaining why this is "so selfish" or "so dangerous for the baby!!!!!"  So, what's a soon-to-be mama to think?

After lots of researching and asking other fit mamas what they thought, here's what I came up with/feel comfortable following:

First Trimester

Pretty standard workouts (very little modification), no maxing out on lifts, staying at about 70-80% of max lifts, passing the "talk test" during workouts, taking it day-by-day, listening to my body, not really working out for time anymore

Second Trimester

Same as above, but with some added modification (ab workout variation- plank, no box jumps- step ups, no benching- inclined bench, raised push ups, modifying based on belly)

Third Trimester

COMPLETELY based on how I feel, taking down intensity to prep for baby :)

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