Friday, May 19, 2017

Back.. Kinda

I am FINALLY to the point where I feel almost normal.  Still have a very annoying, lingering cough, but I have my voice back and all of my other symptoms are gone.  I wanted to do something today to get back into my routine, but I didn't want to do anything that would throw me into a coughing fit.


Original workout:

100 air squats
90 butterfly sit-ups
80 alternating lunges
70 burpees
60 second plank
50 mountain climbers
40 push ups
30 hollow rocks
20 jump squats
10 hand release push ups

My modification:

Normally, I would do this as a chipper-style workout.  In other words, you don't move on to the next movement until I have finished all of the reps (100 air squats, then 90 sit-ups, etc.).  However, since 70 burpees sounded like a cough-fest, I decided to change it to 5 rounds with the same total number of reps.  Therefore, my workout looked like this-

5 rounds

20 air squats
18 butterfly sit-ups
16 alternating lunges
14 burpees
10 mountain climbers
8 push ups
6 hollow rocks
4 jump squats
2 hand release push ups


60 second plank

I timed myself today and it took me just under 24 minutes to complete, so that's around 4-5 minutes per round.  I feel like I split this up pretty well, all things considered.  I didn't really have to take any breaks, except for a few quick ones on push ups because my arms were tired from the mountain climber/burpee combo right before.  No coughing fits.  The only real issue was that it's 95 degrees here today and we don't have the air on in the house, so I was sweating like I just jumped out of a pool afterwards.  Sweat the sick out, right?!

**Miscarriage/lady problems warning: In other news, aunt flo FINALLY decided make a comeback yesterday, just one day short of 5 weeks post-D&C!!! This is the first time I think I've ever been excited for THAT, but I'm just so happy to feel like I'm finally back to "normal" and not stuck in some weird gray area.

Have a good weekend, friends! :)

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