Saturday, June 24, 2017

Hello, Pregnancy Symptoms!

Really trying to keep up with working out over here, but it's been tough.  Today marks 5 weeks, 3 days pregnant and I've already had a bunch of symptoms that I never had last time.  First of all, I'm pooped as soon as I wake up.  I keep waking up at 2-3 AM and am WIDE awake, so I'm sure that doesn't help any.  That whole bit I can deal with, though.  

However, two nights ago, I started getting this intense burning sensation in my stomach, which is what usually happens when I'm going to throw up.  I laid in bed for about an hour and it eventually subsided.  I thought maybe I had just eaten too much for dinner or just eaten too fast.  However, yesterday, it came back with a vengeance and lasted ALL day.  So, I did what I could yesterday.  I took a 2 mile walk around my lake and called it a day.

The good news is I saw my endocrinologist yesterday and my thyroid levels look great!  Super happy about that!  Last time, I didn't realize I was supposed to be getting them checked so early on.  By the time I did get them checked, I was 7 weeks and they were all way off.  I attribute that to my miscarriage, and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right this time.

Anyway, so far this morning, my stomach is okay.  I'm going to see how I feel after eating something and try to make it to the gym.  I'd really like to get some lifting in and do a template day.  This is the plan for today:

Medium grip bench press 3 x 55 lbs
Seated DB shoulder press 3 x 20 lb DBs
Assisted dips 3 sets
Barbell bent row 3 x 70 lbs
Barbell face pull 3 x 25 lbs
Lying leg curl 3 x 50 lbs
Back squat 3 x 115 lbs
Slant board sit-up 4 x 30 lbs

If that doesn't work out, my plan is to attempt the following at home:

5 rounds

20 air squats
10 burpees
20 butterfly sit-ups

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